New York City, NY (PRWEB) November 14, 2013
After analyzing and assessing the potential of DIBELS, eReflect announced today that these standards are capable of overhauling how literacy is taught and measured, paving the way for improving current teaching methodologies to boost literacy.
The DIBELS standards, eReflect notes, focus on assessing intertwined early literacy skills such as phonological awareness, vocabulary, comprehension, and reading fluency. When used with young students, the DIBELS measures are capable of providing information about the students expected progress, which in turn gives teachers information about how to best help that student individually.
DIBELS constitutes a much-needed tool of high precision and reliability, eReflect pointed out today. Early literacy development is crucial for subsequent learning, and being able to accurately and reliably assess young students literacy levels can go a long way in improving international literacy levels.
eReflect is keenly interested in literacy, which has already led to their release of the 7 Speed Reading software system. In today’s statement, eReflect confirmed how the use of tools such as DIBELS is essential for pinpointing the weaknesses of the early education system and providing a clear picture of what skills need to be given more emphasis. The DIBELS measures focus on oral reading fluency for both real and nonsensical words to check whether a young student is actually fully knowledgeable of the letter-sound correspondence even when a word is not an actual word. The DIBELS standards also assess word use fluency, the childs ability to use words provided in the right context and in the right manner when forming a sentence.
eReflect pointed out through their short statement today that literacy indicators such as the DIBELS standards can be very helpful in how the future of early education is to be shaped. They can provide educator and stakeholders with clues and robust facts with regard to what works and what doesnt in how literacy is approached. These tools can help education professionals review and improve current methodologies, tools and approaches so as to optimize early literacy and allow students to acquire all those basic skills essential for their long-term learning goals.
For more information about the benefits of using 7 Speed Reading, please visit the official website at
About 7 Speed Reading
7 Speed Reading is the only modern speed reading software that uses the latest technology to produce superior results.
The software provides its users with a new way to master speed reading that guarantees three times the reading speed along with improved memory and comprehension.
The software is poised as the most comprehensive speed reading system anywhere. It contains seven learning strategies, fifteen software activities, video training, advanced tracking capabilities and many more exciting features.